Our Clinicians
The HABITS Team is full of experienced music educators and authors ready to share their knowledge with you at the 2022 Habits Universal Summer Institute
Here’s a look at some of the dynamic programming we have in store!
Click on any one of our HABITS Team clinicians to learn more about them and the workshops they’ll be presenting at this year’s Institute!

Scott Rush
Author and Clinician
Team Lead for the HABITS Series
Scott Rush is the team lead for the Habits series published by GIA and is a graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music. He has served as a clinician throughout the United States and Canada and is the author or co-author of fourteen highly touted books in music education, including, Habits of a Successful Band Director, Habits of a Significant Band Director, Habits of a Successful Middle School Band Director, Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician, Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician, Habits of a Successful Musician, and Pathway to Success: Habits for Creating a Culture of Excellence in Band, Choir, and Orchestra. He is the former Director of Bands at Wando High School.
Habits of a Successful Band Director
Habits of a Musical High School Wind Ensemble
Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician
Pathway to Success: Habits for Creating a Culture of Excellence
Habits of a Significant Music Educator

Christopher Selby
Author and Clinician
Strings Lead for the HABITS Series
Christopher Selby currently directs the high school orchestras at the School of the Arts in Charleston, South Carolina. He is the strings lead for the Habits series published by GIA and is the author of Habits of a Successful Orchestra Director, Music Theory for the Successful String Musician, Habits of a Successful Middle Level String Musician, and Habits of a Successful String Musician. He is active as a clinician and has presented sessions at two Midwest Clinics, the 2016 NAfME National Conference, five ASTA National Conferences, and numerous state conferences.
Habits of a Successful Orchestra Director
Teaching Students to Make Music
Left Hand: Teaching Intonation, Shifting, and Vibrato
Right Hand: Tone, Articulation, and Rhythmic Bowings
Teaching Literacy, History, and Creativity

Myra Rhoden
Creating Self-Sufficient Musicians
Dr. Myra Rhoden serves as the Director of Bands and Fine Arts Department Chairperson at Fayette County High School in Fayetteville, Georgia. She is the founder of the Athena Music and Leadership Camp.
Creating Self-Sufficient Musicians

Eric Wilkinson
Author and Clinician
Choir Lead for the HABITS Series
Eric Wilkinson is the director of the Wando High School Choir program in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and is the choir lead for the Habits series. He is the author of Habits of a Successful Choir Director and a highly touted method book, Habits of a Successful Choral Musician published by GIA. He is sought after as a clinician throughout the United States and was awarded the Milken Family Foundation National Educator Award in 2007.
Habits of a Successful Choir Director
Teaching Strategies that Lead to Music Making
Building Better Sight-readers (multiple)
Quality Repertoire is the Key to Success (multiple)
Assessment Strategies that Work

Jeff Scott
Author and Clinician
Middle School Band Lead for the HABITS Series
Jeff Scott is the middle school band team lead for the Habits series published by GIA and is co-author of three highly touted books for middle school music education, including Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician, Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician, and Habits of a Successful Middle School Band Director. Jeff currently serves as the Director of Bands at Cario Middle School in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and is active as an adjudicator and clinician throughout the United States.
The Most Common Missed Errors in Middle School Band
Attention on Retention
Meaningful Middle School Band Rehearsals

Tim Lautzenheiser
Author and Clinician
Pathway to Success: Habits for Creating a Culture of Excellence
Tim Lautzenheiser is a well-known name in the music education world as a teacher, clinician, author, composer, consultant, and above all, a trusted friend to anyone interested in working with young people to create a culture of excellence. He is the author of several books for GIA, including Pathway to Success, Classic Leadership, Leadership 2, Everyday Wisdom for Inspired Teaching, Music Advocacy and Student Leadership, The Joy of Inspired Teaching, and The Art of Successful Teaching.
The Maestro, the Message, the Music
Pathway to Success: Habits for Creating a Culture of Excellence

Matthew Arau
Upbeat Mindset in Downbeat Times
Dr. Matthew Arau, founder of Upbeat Global, is the Chair of the Music Education Department and Associate Director of Bands at the Lawrence University Conservatory of Music in Appleton, Wisconsin. In addition, Dr. Arau is on the faculty of the American Band College of Central Washington University and VanderCook College of Music. He also serves as a Conn-Selmer Education Clinician, and as Member-at-Large on the NAfME Council for Band Education.
Upbeat Mindset in Downbeat Times

Linard McCloud
Habits of a Successful Title One Program
In his 43rd year, Linard McCloud is Director of Bands at Burke High School in Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. McCloud is credited with helping Burke band students receive over 14 million dollars in band and academic scholarships.
Habits of a Successful Title One Program

Margaret Selby
Author and Clinician
Middle School Strings Lead for the Habits Series
Margaret Selby is the orchestra director and 2020 Teacher of the Year at Laing Middle School in Mount Pleasant, SC, where her program grew from 42 to 215 students in five years. She is the TMEA 2022 Orchestra Division Feature Clinician, a contributing author to Rehearsing the Middle School Orchestra, and one of the primary writers for a new beginner string method book being released by GIA in the summer of 2024.
Recruiting and Retention in the String Orchestra Class
Beginning String Strategies

Kevin Boyle
Author and Clinician
Percussion Lead for the Habits Series
Kevin Boyle is Associate Director of Bands at Tapp Middle School in Cobb County, Georgia, and is the percussion lead for the Habits series published by GIA. He has written student percussion books for Habits of a Successful Musician, Habits of a Successful Middle School Musician, and Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician.
Teaching Strategies for Percussionists – Beginner Through Advanced
Meaningful Middle School Band Rehearsals
Percussion Coordinator for the Lab Band

Marguerite Wilder
Author and Educational Consultant for GIA Publications
Educational Consultant for the Habits Series
Marguerite Wilder is widely recognized as a conductor and clinician, having conducted honor bands throughout the United States, Canada, England, Italy, Turkey, and Australia. Serving as a resource person for in-service sessions, she works with both local and regional school systems and universities. Her clinics on motivational techniques for beginning band are often featured at national conferences.
Meaningful Middle School Band Rehearsals
Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician

Matt Taylor
Matt Taylor is the Associate Director of the Wando High School Choral program in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Matt is a graduate of LSU and is active as a composer and instrumentalist (double bass).